Bellaire Police Activity
• Burglary of a motor vehicle, 4800 block of Palm, Sept. 5. At11:16 a.m., an officer was dispatched to a call in reference to aburglary of a motor vehicle at the above location. The victimreported to police that two of her tennis rackets and herdaughter’s guitar had been missing from her vehicle forapproximately a week. Victim stated she realized when she could notfind the items the unknown suspect or suspects had stolen them fromher vehicle. There were no signs of forced entry due to the vehiclebeing left unlocked. This incident is under investigation.
• Animal bite, 5200 block of Huisache, Sept. 6. at 11:02 a.m.,Bellaire ACO was dispatched to an animal bite that had occurred ona residence property. The victim, a cab driver for Fiesta cab, wasbitten on the left leg on his upper calf area. The dog will bequarantined from Sept. 6-15.
• Burglary of a motor vehicle, 5100 of Spruce, Sept. 7. at 8:42p.m., an officer was dispatched in regards to a burglary of a motorvehicle. An unknown suspect or suspects broke out the right frontpassenger window and removed a work briefcase from the right frontpassenger floorboard. The victim’s briefcase was found on thesidewalk and nothing was missing. This incident is underinvestigation.
• Burglary of a motor vehicle, 4500 block of Live Oak, Sept. 5:25 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the police departmentlobby to meet with a victim whose vehicle was burglarized. Anunknown suspect or suspects entered the victim’s unlocked vehicleand removed her purse. This incident is under investigation.
• Stalking, 4500 block of Pine, Sept. 7. at 1:39 p.m., anofficer was dispatched to the Lobby of Bellaire Police Departmentto meet a victim in regards to numerous harassing emails. Thisincident is under investigation.
• Fail to obey sign – right turn only/Unlawfully carrying afirearm/Driving while license suspended, 5900 block of IH 610 WestService Road, Sept. 8. at 8:35 a.m., a sergeant conducted a trafficstop on a vehicle for failure to obey sign right turn only. Duringthe traffic investigation, the driver was found to have a suspendeddriver’s license and was taken into custody. The sergeant returnedto the vehicle and observed in plain view the entire grip of ablack handgun sticking out from underneath the driver’s seat. Thedriver was not a current concealed handgun license holder. HarrisCounty District Attorneys Office was contacted and accepted thecharge of unlawfully carrying a firearm against the driver. Thedriver was also charged with class C driving while licensesuspended and class C fail to obey sign – right turn only.
• Identity theft, 5300 block of Huisache, Sept. 8. at 5:19 a.m.,an officer was dispatched to the Bellaire Police Department lobbyfor an identity theft call. Upon arrival, the officer met with thevictim who stated an unknown person used his name, social securitynumber and address to file a false 2010 tax return. This incidentis under investigation.
• Embezzlement, 4500 block of Bissonnet, Sept. 8. at 3:27 p.m.,an officer was dispatched to the above location in reference to anex-employee who was stealing money from the business. This incidentis under investigation.
• Theft, 5100 Maple, Bellaire High School, Sept. 8. at 1:58p.m., an officer was approached by a Houston Independent SchoolDistrict officer at Bellaire High School in regards to the theft ofa cell phone. The officer met with the victim who stated on thisdate between 10:42 a.m and 11:35 a.m., an unknown suspect orsuspects stole his Samsung cell phone from his backpack duringfourth period class in the girl’s gym. This incident is underinvestigation.
• Burglary of a motor vehicle, 5200 block of Chestnut, Sept. 7:49 a.m., an officer was dispatched to a burglary of a motorvehicle. An unknown suspect or suspects broke out the left backpassenger window and removed a work briefcase with miscellaneouspaperwork, check book, blue tooth keyboard, and an iPod. Thisincident is under investigation.
• Burglary of a motor vehicle, 5200 block of Chestnut, Sept. 7:49 a.m., an officer was dispatched to a burglary of a motorvehicle. An unknown suspect or suspects broke out the driver sidewindow and removed an iPhone and a bag with quarters worth $3. Thisincident is under investigation.
• Burglary of a motor vehicle, 5104 Bellaire, Chase Bank, Sept.9. at 12:21 p.m., an officer was dispatched to Chase Bank inregards to a burglary of a motor vehicle. The victim in the casestated he parked his vehicle and when he returned, the driver doorwindow was broken out and victim’s briefcase was missing. Thisincident is under investigation.
• Driving while intoxicated, 4800 block of Fern, Sept. 9. At3:08 p.m., an officer was dispatched to a suspicious vehicle callin the 4800 block of Fern St. The officer arrived at the scene andmade contact with the driver. The driver’s speech was slow andslurred and his eyes were bloodshot red. An odor of an alcoholicbeverage could be smelled from the driver’s breath. Upon furtherinvestigation, the driver was arrested for driving whileintoxicated.
• Burglary of a motor vehicle, 6900 block of Ferris, Sept. 9. At8:28 p.m., an officer was dispatched to a burglary of a motorvehicle. The victim reported to police that an unknown suspect orsuspects opened the unlocked passenger side door of her vehicle,and took her purse which was located on the rear passenger seatbehind the driver’s seat. This incident is under investigation.
• Identity theft, 100 block of Phanturn, Sept. 10. at 10:02a.m., an officer was dispatched to the Bellaire Police Departmentlobby in regards to an identity theft report. The victim reportedto police that an unknown suspect and suspects made twounauthorized charges using her debit card number. This incident isunder investigation.
• Burglary of a motor vehicle, 5910 West Loop South, ShellStation, Sept. 10. at 1:26 p.m., an officer was dispatched to a 911call at the Shell Station regarding a robbery. Upon arrival, theofficer contacted the victim who stated an unknown black orpossibly Hispanic male suspect stole her black leather purse fromthe front passenger seat while she was pumping gas into hervehicle. The incident was found to be a burglary of a motorvehicle. This incident is under investigation.• Driving whilelicense suspended, 8000 block of IH 610 West Service Road, Sept 9:50 a.m., a sergeant conducted a traffic stop on the suspectvehicle for speeding. The driver identified himself with his TexasDrivers License. The sergeant conducted a computer query and foundthe suspect’s drivers license to be suspended. The suspect was alsofound to have no valid proof of financial responsibility and tohave a previous conviction for driving while license suspended. Thedriver was arrested and charged with driving while licensesuspended.• Family violence assault, 4600 block of Willow, Sept.11. at 11: 44 a.m. officers were dispatched in regards to an openline from a 911 emergency call. Dispatchers advised that a verbaldisturbance could be heard in the background. Officers arrived andupon further investigation learned that the suspect assaulted heradult daughter causing great pain. Suspect was transported to thehospital for severe back pain and the officer obtained a warrantfor class A family violence assault.• Burglary of a habitation,5400 block of Braeburn, Sept. 12. at 10:50 a.m., an officer wasdispatched in regards to a burglary of a habitation. it wasdetermined the suspect or suspects entered through living room doorand exited through the living room door. The suspect suspects stoleseveral pieces of jewelry, a laptop and camera. This incident isunder investigation.Meyerland Security Alert• On Sept. 5, a windowof a home on the 8800 block of South Rice was reported broken (notime frame reported). There was no sign of entry or of anythingtaken. There are no suspects.• On Sept. 6, a home on the 5000 blockof Lymbar was broken into (no time frame reported). The home wasthoroughly searched, but nothing appeared to be missing. There areno witnesses and no suspects• On Sept. 6, a vehicle parked on the8600 block of South Rice was broken into (no time frame reported).One item was removed. There are no suspects.• On Sept. 6, a home onthe 5000 block of Beechnut was entered around 7 p.m. through anunlocked back window. The suspect or suspects left through a backdoor. There was no alarm. Items were taken from the home, but a fewwere left outside by the gate possibly due to being surprised bythe owners return home.• On Sept. 7, a vehicle parked on the 5200block of Jason was entered. A window was broken and the door wasleft standing open, as discovered by Precinct 5 Constables. Noitems were reported missing. The incident occurred sometime between8 p.m. and 3 a.m.• On Sept. 7, the window of a vehicle parked onthe 5200 block of Birdwood was broken. Precinct 5 Constablesdiscovered it while on patrol in the neighborhood. This wasreported around 3 a.m.